OCTOBER,17 The Age of Disruption - Amsterdam Global Politics Café DO26oct19:0021:00The Age of Disruption - Amsterdam Global Politics Café debatglobal politics Event DetailsNew debate of Amsterdam Global Politics Forum will take place on October 26th at 7pm. "The Age of Disruption in a Borderline World" will be the topic for discussion. Fast moving socio-economic Event Details New debate of Amsterdam Global Politics Forum will take place on October 26th at 7pm. “The Age of Disruption in a Borderline World” will be the topic for discussion. Fast moving socio-economic changes and advanced technological realities have redistributed wealth and power around the world, disrupting previous status-quo causing anxiety, resentment and identitarian politics along with a rise in national and ethnic rhetoric. The latest financial crises has been transformed into many social crises, widespread inequality, economic stagnation in large parts of the world and the prospect of a precarious existence for many. How to explain current borderline global political and social unrest? Are we living through a short or long transition period between dislocated global economic and local political and social systems? Would City-states as in the past deliver more prosperity and address social problems more effectively than Nation-states? Will the full power of biotechnology, algorithms, genetic engineering and artificial intelligence make democracy and liberal ideals soon obsolete? How will History books explain our present age of social and ecological meltdown, where inequality exploded, the environment was destroyed and democracy and freedoms were undermined? Places are limited, please register by email to amsterdam.global.forum@gmail.com mentioning your interests and background if you are a new participant. Location in Amsterdam will be confirmed to registered participants by email. Voluntary contribution for rented location might be requested. Link kopiëren Terug