FEBRUARI,18 Teachings from a Pirate ZO25feb19:0021:00Teachings from a PirateHow to increase our Freedom and create a Better Future discussieavond Event DetailsHow we can use technology to increase our freedom - and outsmart governments and companies who want the opposite? Where's still space to move considering the grip of the War on Event Details How we can use technology to increase our freedom – and outsmart governments and companies who want the opposite? Where’s still space to move considering the grip of the War on Drugs? Can Amsterdam lead the way to a rational drug policy? Matthijs Pontier, Pirate Party candidate and PhD in Cognitive Science, will take us on a journey into the future of drug policy, tech and human development. He’ll go through a large number of essential developments and tools that we can use to maintain control of our own lives, data and future. Think cryptocurrencies and blockchain, Universal Basic Income, machine ethics, privacy protection, safe communication, Open Source algorithms, the Power of Ideas, crowdsourcing a constitution, decriminalisation of drug users, drugs as medicine, and much more. Amsterdam & Drug Policy Matthijs invites us to take a close look at the future of drug policy, while zooming in on our city, Amsterdam. Amsterdam is a laboratory for drug policy renewal. How can we take the lessons from early experiments, such as with coffeeshops and harm-reduction programs to the next level and craft a drug policy that’s beneficial for everyone? Within 50 years, people will not understand why we ever prohibited drugs. Just as we do now about homosexuality and women voting. But how to make this change happen? PSN and Matthijs will further discuss drug policy and invite all of you to join the discussion. Matthijs and his work Matthijs Pontier holds a PhD in Cognitive Science and currently serves as party leader for the Piraten Partij (the Dutch Pirate Party). Matthijs is considered an expert on the subject of technology and ethics as well as drug policy. He founded the project ‘Drugs in Debat’ to stimulate a societal debate on recreational consumption of drugs and drug policy. He’s a board member and treasurer at the Netherlands Drug Policy Foundation and current vice-president of ENCOD. Tickets via the ticketshop € 5 https://shop.ikbenaanwezig.nl/tickets/event/teachings-from-a-pirate-how-to-increase-our-freedom 19.30h Start lecture + discussion – please be on time 19.00h Doors open ~ 21.00h Drinks at the Tolbar // Zondag 25 februari // 19:00 // €5 pre-sale, €10 aan de deur Check het Facebook event hier Link kopiëren Terug