DO14dec19:0021:00Democracy at CrossroadsAmsterdam Global Forum discussieavondglobal politics

Event Details

New debate of Amsterdam Global Forum will take place on Thursday, December 14th. at 7pm.

“Democracy at Crossroads” will be the topic for discussion.

We all have debated and lived dangerously at Amsterdam Global Forum during 2017

A highly politically charged year, Democracy has navigated turbulent waters among raising waves of the far right, Populism, Brexit, Trumpism, fake news, alternative realities, infowars, alternative history, ethnic and nationalist rhetoric, social fracture and polarization inside and outside Europe, migration crisis, environmental crisis, corporate capture, rise of economic inequality along with fear of jobs destruction by robotics, increased influence of information technology monopolies, big data and big brother…while we can still hear the drums of a nuclear conflict played in the background.

So congratulations to all the survivors and let’s celebrate the end of 2017 reflecting on our ideas about the future of Democracy followed by drinks to welcome the holiday season.

Places are limited, please register by email to mentioning your educational/professional background and topics of interest if you are a new participant.
Location in Amsterdam will be confirmed to registered participants by email.
Free entrance.
Voluntary contributions for rented location are welcome.